introduction etc. *** TBD ***
You can dwonload the zip'ed DTD kit at here
1:<!-- =================================================================== 2: Title: SMIL1M (Modularized SMIL 1.0) DTD 3: File: smil1m.dtd 4: Description: 5: This is a draft and experimental modularized XML DTD for 6: slightly-modefined SMIL 1.0 7: 8: This DTD and related modules are based on the W3C SMIL 1.0 DTD written 9: by Jacco van Ossenbruggen (<>) and Sjoerd Mullender 10: (<>). 11: 12: Revision: $Id: smil1m.dtd,v 1.1 1999/08/11 02:12:34 hiyama Exp $ 13: Date: $Date: 1999/08/11 02:12:34 $ 14: Author: HIYAMA Masayuki <> 15: 16: Identifiers: 17: PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SMIL1M (Modularized SMIL 1.0)//EN" 18: SYSTEM "smil1m.dtd" (can be changed) 19: 20: Typical invocation of this doctype: 21: <?xml version="1.0"?> 22: <!DOCTYPE smil 23: PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SMIL1M (Modularized SMIL 1.0)//EN" 24: "smil1m.dtd"> 25: 26: Namespace name: 27:=================================================================== --> 28: 29:<!ENTITY % SMIL-Customize.module "IGNORE" > 30:<![%SMIL-Customize.module;[ 31: <!ENTITY % SMIL-Customize.mod SYSTEM "SMIL-custom.mod"> 32: %SMIL-Customize.mod; 33:]]> 34: 35:<!ENTITY % SMIL-NamingCamelCase.opt "IGNORE"> 36:<!ENTITY % SMIL-LayoutBasic.opt "IGNORE"> 37:<!ENTITY % SMIL-LayoutCSS.opt "IGNORE"> 38:<!ENTITY % SMIL-RegionIdRequired.opt "IGNORE"> 39:<!ENTITY % SMIL-CompatHTML.opt "IGNORE"> 40:<!ENTITY % SMIL-CompatSMIL10.opt "IGNORE"> 41: 42:<!ENTITY % SMIL-Options.module "INCLUDE"> 43:<![%SMIL-Options.module;[ 44: <!ENTITY % SMIL-Options.mod 45: SYSTEM "SMIL-opts.mod"> 46: %SMIL-Options.mod; 47:]]> 48: 49:<!ENTITY % SMIL-Naming.module "INCLUDE"> 50:<![%SMIL-Naming.module;[ 51: <!ENTITY % SMIL-Naming.mod 52: SYSTEM "SMIL-naming.mod"> 53: %SMIL-Naming.mod; 54:]]> 55: 56:<!ENTITY % SMIL-Datatypes.module "INCLUDE"> 57:<![%SMIL-Datatypes.module;[ 58: <!ENTITY % SMIL-Datatypes.mod 59: SYSTEM "SMIL-dtyp.mod"> 60: %SMIL-Datatypes.mod; 61:]]> 62: 63:<!ENTITY % SMIL-CommonAttributes.module "INCLUDE"> 64:<![%SMIL-CommonAttributes.module;[ 65: <!ENTITY % SMIL-CommonAttributes.mod 66: SYSTEM "SMIL-attr.mod"> 67: %SMIL-CommonAttributes.mod; 68:]]> 69: 70:<!ENTITY % SMIL-CommonContentModels.module "INCLUDE"> 71:<![%SMIL-CommonContentModels.module;[ 72: <!ENTITY % SMIL-CommonContentModels.mod 73: SYSTEM "SMIL-cont.mod"> 74: %SMIL-CommonContentModels.mod; 75:]]> 76: 77:<!ENTITY % SMIL-ContentControl.module "INCLUDE"> 78:<![%SMIL-ContentControl.module;[ 79: <!ENTITY % SMIL-ContentControl.mod 80: SYSTEM "SMIL-conctl.mod"> 81: %SMIL-ContentControl.mod; 82:]]> 83: 84:<!ENTITY % SMIL-Layout.module "INCLUDE"> 85:<![%SMIL-Layout.module;[ 86: <!ENTITY % SMIL-Layout.mod 87: SYSTEM "SMIL-layout.mod"> 88: %SMIL-Layout.mod; 89:]]> 90: 91:<!ENTITY % SMIL-TimingSynchronization.module "INCLUDE"> 92:<![%SMIL-TimingSynchronization.module;[ 93: <!ENTITY % SMIL-TimingSynchronization.mod 94: SYSTEM "SMIL-time.mod"> 95: %SMIL-TimingSynchronization.mod; 96:]]> 97: 98:<!ENTITY % SMIL-DocumentStructure.module "INCLUDE"> 99:<![%SMIL-DocumentStructure.module;[ 100: <!ENTITY % SMIL-DocumentStructure.mod 101: SYSTEM "SMIL-struc.mod"> 102: %SMIL-DocumentStructure.mod; 103:]]> 104: 105:<!ENTITY % SMIL-Meta.module "INCLUDE"> 106:<![%SMIL-Meta.module;[ 107: <!ENTITY % SMIL-Meta.mod 108: SYSTEM "SMIL-meta.mod"> 109: %SMIL-Meta.mod; 110:]]> 111: 112:<!ENTITY % SMIL-MediaObject.module "INCLUDE"> 113:<![%SMIL-MediaObject.module;[ 114: <!ENTITY % SMIL-MediaObject.mod 115: SYSTEM "SMIL-media.mod"> 116: %SMIL-MediaObject.mod; 117:]]> 118: 119:<!ENTITY % SMIL-Linking.module "INCLUDE"> 120:<![%SMIL-Linking.module;[ 121: <!ENTITY % SMIL-Linking.mod 122: SYSTEM "SMIL-link.mod"> 123: %SMIL-Linking.mod; 124:]]> 125: 126:<!-- the end -->
1:<!-- =================================================================== 2: Title: Option Handling Module 3: File: SMIL-opts.mod 4: 5: Revision: $Id: SMIL-opts.mod,v 1.2 1999/08/18 02:35:43 hiyama Exp hiyama $ 6: Date: $Date: 1999/08/18 02:35:43 $ 7: Author: HIYAMA Masayuki <> 8: 9: Identifiers: 10: PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES Option Handling Module//EN" 11: SYSTEM "SMIL-opts.mod" (can be changed) 12: 13: Typical invocation of this module: 14: <!ENTITY % SMIL-Options.mod 15: PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES Option Handling Module//EN" 16: "SMIL-opts.mod"> 17: %SMIL-Options.mod; 18:=================================================================== --> 19: 20: 21:<![%SMIL-LayoutBasic.opt;[ 22: 23: <!ENTITY % SMIL-layout.content "(region*, (%rootLayout;, region*)?)" 24: 25:]]> 26: 27:<![%SMIL-LayoutCSS.opt;[ 28: 29: <!ENTITY % SMIL-layout.content "(#PCDATA)"> 30: <!ENTITY % RegionRef "NMTOKEN"> 31: 32:]]> 33: 34:<![%SMIL-RegionIdRequired.opt;[ 35: 36: <!ATTLIST region 37: id ID #REQUIRED> 38: > 39: 40:]]> 41: 42:<!-- the end -->
1:<!-- =================================================================== 2: Title: Element/Attribute Names Module 3: File: SMIL-naming.mod 4: 5: Revision: $Id: SMIL-naming.mod,v 1.2 1999/08/18 02:35:43 hiyama Exp hiyama $ 6: Date: $Date: 1999/08/18 02:35:43 $ 7: Author: HIYAMA Masayuki <> 8: 9: Identifiers: 10: PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES Element/Attribute Names Module//EN" 11: SYSTEM "SMIL-naming.mod" (can be changed) 12: 13: Typical invocation of this module: 14: <!ENTITY % SMIL-Naming.mod 15: PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES Element/Attribute Names Module//EN" 16: "SMIL-naming.mod"> 17: %SMIL-Naming.mod; 18:=================================================================== --> 19:<!-- this is a hand written module --> 20: 21:<!-- 22: longdesc ? 23: endsync ? 24:--> 25: 26:<!-- if --> 27:<![%SMIL-NamingCamelCase.opt;[ 28: <!ENTITY % rootLayout "rootLayout" > 29: 30: <!ENTITY % skipContent "skipContent" > 31: 32: <!ENTITY % backgroundColor "backgroundColor" > 33: <!ENTITY % zIndex "zIndex" > 34: 35: <!ENTITY % systemBitrate "systemBitrate" > 36: <!ENTITY % systemLanguage "systemLanguage" > 37: <!ENTITY % systemRequired "systemRequired" > 38: <!ENTITY % systemScreenSize "systemScreenSize" > 39: <!ENTITY % systemScreenDepth "systemScreenDepth" > 40: <!ENTITY % systemCaptions "systemCaptions" > 41: <!ENTITY % systemOverdubOrCaption "systemOverdubOrCaption" > 42: 43: <!ENTITY % clipBegin "clipBegin" > 44: <!ENTITY % clipEnd "clipEnd" > 45: <!ENTITY % endSync "endSync" > 46:]]> 47:<!-- else --> 48: <!ENTITY % rootLayout "root-layout" > 49: 50: <!ENTITY % skipContent "skip-content" > 51: 52: <!ENTITY % backgroundColor "background-color" > 53: <!ENTITY % zIndex "z-index" > 54: 55: <!ENTITY % systemBitrate "system-bitrate" > 56: <!ENTITY % systemLanguage "system-language" > 57: <!ENTITY % systemRequired "system-required" > 58: <!ENTITY % systemScreenSize "system-screen-size" > 59: <!ENTITY % systemScreenDepth "system-screen-depth" > 60: <!ENTITY % systemCaptions "system-captions" > 61: <!ENTITY % systemOverdubOrCaption "system-overdub-or-caption" > 62: 63: <!ENTITY % clipBegin "clip-begin" > 64: <!ENTITY % clipEnd "clip-end" > 65: <!ENTITY % endSync "endsync" > 66:<!-- endif --> 67: 68:<!-- the end -->
1:<!-- =================================================================== 2: Title: Attribute Datatypes Module 3: File: SMIL-dtyp.mod 4: Description: 5: This module provides the defined names (parameter entities) for 6: attribute datatypes. 7: Although DTD cannot define datatypes, giving descriptive aliases for 8: XML built-in datatypes (such as CDATA, NMTOKEN, etc.) will help to 9: understand the meaning and usage of attributes. 10: 11: Revision: $Id: SMIL-dtyp.mod,v 1.2 1999/08/18 02:35:43 hiyama Exp hiyama $ 12: Date: $Date: 1999/08/18 02:35:43 $ 13: Author: HIYAMA Masayuki <> 14: 15: Identifiers: 16: PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES Attribute Datatypes Module//EN" 17: SYSTEM "SMIL-dtyp.mod" (can be changed) 18: 19: Typical invocation of this module: 20: <!ENTITY % SMIL-Datatypes.mod 21: PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES Attribute Datatypes Module//EN" 22: "SMIL-dtyp.mod"> 23: %SMIL-Datatypes.mod; 24:=================================================================== --> 25: 26:<!ENTITY % SMIL-Datatype.parameter "INCLUDE"> 27:<![%SMIL-Datatype.parameter;[ 28: <!-- a language code, as per [RFC1766] --> 29: <!ENTITY % LanguageCode "CDATA" > 30: 31: <!-- media type, as per [RFC2045] --> 32: <!ENTITY % ContentType "CDATA" > 33: 34: <!-- a Uniform Resource Identifier, see [URI] --> 35: <!ENTITY % URI "CDATA" > 36: 37: <!-- one or more digits (NUMBER) --> 38: <!ENTITY % Number "CDATA" > 39: 40: <!-- integer representing x- or y-coordinate in pixels --> 41: <!ENTITY % Coord "CDATA" > 42: 43: <!-- nn for pixels or nn% for percentage length --> 44: <!ENTITY % Length "CDATA" > 45: 46: <!-- a color using sRGB: #RRGGBB as Hex values --> 47: <!ENTITY % Color "CDATA" > 48: 49: <!ENTITY % Instant "CDATA" > 50: 51: <!ENTITY % Duration "CDATA" > 52: 53: <!ENTITY % Repetition "CDATA" > 54: 55: <!ENTITY % RegionRef "IDREF" > 56: 57:]]> 58: 59:<!-- the end -->
1:<!-- =================================================================== 2: Title: Common Attributes Module 3: File: SMIL-attr.mod 4: 5: Revision: $Id: SMIL-attr.mod,v 1.2 1999/08/18 02:35:43 hiyama Exp hiyama $ 6: Date: $Date: 1999/08/18 02:35:43 $ 7: Author: HIYAMA Masayuki <> 8: 9: Identifiers: 10: PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES Common Attributes Module//EN" 11: SYSTEM "SMIL-attr.mod" (can be changed) 12: 13: Typical invocation of this module: 14: <!ENTITY % SMIL-CommonAttributes.mod 15: PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES Common Attributes Module//EN" 16: "SMIL-attr.mod"> 17: %SMIL-CommonAttributes.mod; 18:=================================================================== --> 19: 20:<!ENTITY % SMIL-Common.attribute "INCLUDE"> 21:<![%SMIL-Common.attribute;[ 22: <!ENTITY % Id.attrib " 23: id ID #IMPLIED" 24: > 25: 26: <!ENTITY % Core.attrib " 27: id ID #IMPLIED 28: title CDATA #IMPLIED" 29: > 30: 31: <!ENTITY % I18n.attrib " 32: xml:lang %LanguageCode; #IMPLIED" 33: > 34: 35: <!ENTITY % Common.attrib " 36: %Core.attrib; 37: %I18n.attrib; " 38: > 39: 40:]]> 41: 42:<!ENTITY % SMIL-Useful.attribute "INCLUDE"> 43:<![%SMIL-Useful.attribute;[ 44: <!ENTITY % SkipContent.attrib " 45: %skipContent; (true|false) 'true'" 46: > 47: 48: <!ENTITY % Desc.attrib " 49: abstract CDATA #IMPLIED 50: author CDATA #IMPLIED 51: copyright CDATA #IMPLIED" 52: > 53: 54: <!ENTITY % ResourceReference.attrib " 55: alt CDATA #IMPLIED 56: longdesc %URI; #IMPLIED 57: src %URI; #IMPLIED 58: type %ContentType; #IMPLIED" 59: > 60: 61:]]> 62: 63:<!-- the end -->
1:<!-- =================================================================== 2: Title: Common Content Models Module 3: File: SMIL-cont.mod 4: 5: Revision: $Id: SMIL-cont.mod,v 1.2 1999/08/18 02:35:43 hiyama Exp hiyama $ 6: Date: $Date: 1999/08/18 02:35:43 $ 7: Author: HIYAMA Masayuki <> 8: 9: Identifiers: 10: PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES Common Content Models Module//EN" 11: SYSTEM "SMIL-cont.mod" (can be changed) 12: 13: Typical invocation of this module: 14: <!ENTITY % SMIL-CommonContentModels.mod 15: PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES Common Content Models Module//EN" 16: "SMIL-cont.mod"> 17: %SMIL-CommonContentModels.mod; 18:=================================================================== --> 19: 20:<!ENTITY % SMIL-Common.content-model "INCLUDE"> 21:<![%SMIL-Common.content-model;[ 22: <!ENTITY % TimeContainer.class 23: "seq | par" 24: > 25: 26: <!ENTITY % MediaObject.class 27: "audio | video | text | img | animation | textstream | ref" 28: > 29: 30: <!ENTITY % Schedulable.class 31: "%TimeContainer.class; | %MediaObject.class;" 32: > 33: 34: <!ENTITY % InlineLink.class 35: "a" 36: > 37: 38: <!ENTITY % AssocLink.class 39: "anchor" 40: > 41: 42: <!ENTITY % Component.mix 43: " %Schedulable.class; | switch | %InlineLink.class;" 44: > 45: 46: <!ENTITY % Container.content 47: "(%Component.mix;)*" 48: > 49: 50:]]> 51: 52:<!-- the end -->
1:<!-- =================================================================== 2: Title: Content Control Module 3: File: SMIL-conctl.mod 4: 5: Revision: $Id: SMIL-conctl.mod,v 1.2 1999/08/18 02:35:43 hiyama Exp hiyama $ 6: Date: $Date: 1999/08/18 02:35:43 $ 7: Author: HIYAMA Masayuki <> 8: 9: Identifiers: 10: PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS Content Control Module//EN" 11: SYSTEM "SMIL-conctl.mod" (can be changed) 12: 13: Typical invocation of this module: 14: <!ENTITY % SMIL-ContentControl.mod 15: PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS Content Control Module//EN" 16: "SMIL-conctl.mod"> 17: %SMIL-ContentControl.mod; 18:=================================================================== --> 19: 20:<!ENTITY % SMIL-ContentControl.attribute "INCLUDE"> 21:<![%SMIL-ContentControl.attribute;[ 22: <!ENTITY % SystemTest.attrib " 23: %systemBitrate; CDATA #IMPLIED 24: %systemLanguage; CDATA #IMPLIED 25: %systemRequired; NMTOKEN #IMPLIED 26: %systemScreenSize; CDATA #IMPLIED 27: %systemScreenDepth; CDATA #IMPLIED 28: %systemCaptions; (on|off) #IMPLIED 29: %systemOverdubOrCaption; (caption|overdub) #IMPLIED" 30: > 31: 32:]]> 33: 34:<!ENTITY % SMIL-ContentControl.content-model "INCLUDE"> 35:<![%SMIL-ContentControl.content-model;[ 36: <!ENTITY % SwitchCase.mix 37: "layout | %Component.mix;" 38: > 39: 40:]]> 41: 42:<!ENTITY % SMIL-switch.element "INCLUDE"> 43:<![%SMIL-switch.element;[ 44: <!ENTITY % SMIL-switch.content "(%SwitchCase.mix;)*"> 45: <!ELEMENT switch %SMIL-switch.content;> 46: <!ATTLIST switch 47: %Common.attrib; 48: > 49:]]> 50: 51:<!-- the end -->
1:<!-- =================================================================== 2: Title: Layout Module 3: File: SMIL-layout.mod 4: 5: Revision: $Id: SMIL-layout.mod,v 1.2 1999/08/18 02:35:43 hiyama Exp hiyama $ 6: Date: $Date: 1999/08/18 02:35:43 $ 7: Author: HIYAMA Masayuki <> 8: 9: Identifiers: 10: PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS Layout Module//EN" 11: SYSTEM "SMIL-layout.mod" (can be changed) 12: 13: Typical invocation of this module: 14: <!ENTITY % SMIL-Layout.mod 15: PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS Layout Module//EN" 16: "SMIL-layout.mod"> 17: %SMIL-Layout.mod; 18:=================================================================== --> 19: 20:<!ENTITY % SMIL-Region.attribute "INCLUDE"> 21:<![%SMIL-Region.attribute;[ 22: <!ENTITY % Viewport.attrib " 23: height %Length; #IMPLIED 24: width %Length; #IMPLIED 25: %backgroundColor; %Color; #IMPLIED" 26: > 27: 28: <!ENTITY % Position.attrib " 29: left %Coord; '0' 30: top %Coord; '0' 31: %zIndex; %Number; '0'" 32: > 33: 34: <!ENTITY % Layout.attrib " 35: region %RegionRef; #IMPLIED" 36: > 37: 38:]]> 39: 40:<!ENTITY % SMIL-layout.element "INCLUDE"> 41:<![%SMIL-layout.element;[ 42: <!ENTITY % SMIL-layout.content "ANY"> 43: <!ELEMENT layout %SMIL-layout.content;> 44: <!ATTLIST layout 45: %Id.attrib; 46: type %ContentType; 'text/smil-basic-layout' 47: > 48:]]> 49: 50:<!ENTITY % SMIL-rootLayout.element "INCLUDE"> 51:<![%SMIL-rootLayout.element;[ 52: <!ENTITY % SMIL-rootLayout.content "EMPTY"> 53: <!ELEMENT %rootLayout; %SMIL-rootLayout.content;> 54: <!ATTLIST %rootLayout; 55: %Core.attrib; 56: %Viewport.attrib; 57: %SkipContent.attrib; 58: > 59:]]> 60: 61:<!ENTITY % SMIL-region.element "INCLUDE"> 62:<![%SMIL-region.element;[ 63: <!ENTITY % SMIL-region.content "EMPTY"> 64: <!ELEMENT region %SMIL-region.content;> 65: <!ATTLIST region 66: %Core.attrib; 67: %Viewport.attrib; 68: %Position.attrib; 69: fit (hidden|fill|meet|scroll|slice) 'hidden' 70: %SkipContent.attrib; 71: > 72:]]> 73: 74:<!-- the end -->
1:<!-- =================================================================== 2: Title: Timing and Synchronization Module 3: File: SMIL-time.mod 4: 5: Revision: $Id: SMIL-time.mod,v 1.2 1999/08/18 02:35:43 hiyama Exp hiyama $ 6: Date: $Date: 1999/08/18 02:35:43 $ 7: Author: HIYAMA Masayuki <> 8: 9: Identifiers: 10: PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS Timing and Synchronization Module//EN" 11: SYSTEM "SMIL-time.mod" (can be changed) 12: 13: Typical invocation of this module: 14: <!ENTITY % SMIL-TimingSynchronization.mod 15: PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS Timing and Synchronization Module//EN" 16: "SMIL-time.mod"> 17: %SMIL-TimingSynchronization.mod; 18:=================================================================== --> 19: 20:<!ENTITY % SMIL-TimingSynchronization.attribute "INCLUDE"> 21:<![%SMIL-TimingSynchronization.attribute;[ 22: <!ENTITY % Sync.attrib " 23: begin %Instant; #IMPLIED 24: end %Instant; #IMPLIED" 25: > 26: 27: <!ENTITY % Timing.attrib " 28: dur %Duration; #IMPLIED 29: repeat %Repetition; '1'" 30: > 31: 32:]]> 33: 34:<!ENTITY % SMIL-par.element "INCLUDE"> 35:<![%SMIL-par.element;[ 36: <!ENTITY % SMIL-par.content "%Container.content;"> 37: <!ELEMENT par %SMIL-par.content;> 38: <!ATTLIST par 39: %Common.attrib; 40: %Desc.attrib; 41: %endSync CDATA 'last' 42: %Sync.attrib; 43: %Timing.attrib; 44: %Layout.attrib; 45: %SystemTest.attrib; 46: > 47:]]> 48: 49:<!ENTITY % SMIL-seq.element "INCLUDE"> 50:<![%SMIL-seq.element;[ 51: <!ENTITY % SMIL-seq.content "%Container.content;"> 52: <!ELEMENT seq %SMIL-seq.content;> 53: <!ATTLIST seq 54: %Common.attrib; 55: %Desc.attrib; 56: %Sync.attrib; 57: %Timing.attrib; 58: %Layout.attrib; 59: %SystemTest.attrib; 60: > 61:]]> 62: 63:<!-- the end -->
1:<!-- =================================================================== 2: Title: Document Structure Module 3: File: SMIL-struc.mod 4: 5: Revision: $Id: SMIL-struc.mod,v 1.2 1999/08/18 02:35:43 hiyama Exp hiyama $ 6: Date: $Date: 1999/08/18 02:35:43 $ 7: Author: HIYAMA Masayuki <> 8: 9: Identifiers: 10: PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS Document Structure Module//EN" 11: SYSTEM "SMIL-struc.mod" (can be changed) 12: 13: Typical invocation of this module: 14: <!ENTITY % SMIL-DocumentStructure.mod 15: PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS Document Structure Module//EN" 16: "SMIL-struc.mod"> 17: %SMIL-DocumentStructure.mod; 18:=================================================================== --> 19: 20:<!ENTITY % SMIL-Layout.content-model "INCLUDE"> 21:<![%SMIL-Layout.content-model;[ 22: <!ENTITY % Layout.model 23: "(layout | switch)" 24: > 25: 26:]]> 27: 28:<!ENTITY % SMIL-smil.element "INCLUDE"> 29:<![%SMIL-smil.element;[ 30: <!ENTITY % SMIL-smil.content "(head?, body?)"> 31: <!ELEMENT smil %SMIL-smil.content;> 32: <!ATTLIST smil 33: %Core.attrib; 34: > 35:]]> 36: 37:<!ENTITY % SMIL-head.element "INCLUDE"> 38:<![%SMIL-head.element;[ 39: <!ENTITY % SMIL-head.content "(meta*, (%Layout.model;, meta*)?)"> 40: <!ELEMENT head %SMIL-head.content;> 41: <!ATTLIST head 42: %Common.attrib; 43: > 44:]]> 45: 46:<!ENTITY % SMIL-body.element "INCLUDE"> 47:<![%SMIL-body.element;[ 48: <!ENTITY % SMIL-body.content "%Container.content;"> 49: <!ELEMENT body %SMIL-body.content;> 50: <!ATTLIST body 51: %Common.attrib; 52: > 53:]]> 54: 55:<!-- the end -->
1:<!-- =================================================================== 2: Title: Metadata Module 3: File: SMIL-meta.mod 4: 5: Revision: $Id: SMIL-meta.mod,v 1.2 1999/08/18 02:35:43 hiyama Exp hiyama $ 6: Date: $Date: 1999/08/18 02:35:43 $ 7: Author: HIYAMA Masayuki <> 8: 9: Identifiers: 10: PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS Metadata Module//EN" 11: SYSTEM "SMIL-meta.mod" (can be changed) 12: 13: Typical invocation of this module: 14: <!ENTITY % SMIL-Meta.mod 15: PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS Metadata Module//EN" 16: "SMIL-meta.mod"> 17: %SMIL-Meta.mod; 18:=================================================================== --> 19: 20:<!ENTITY % SMIL-meta.element "INCLUDE"> 21:<![%SMIL-meta.element;[ 22: <!ENTITY % SMIL-meta.content "EMPTY"> 23: <!ELEMENT meta %SMIL-meta.content;> 24: <!ATTLIST meta 25: name NMTOKEN #REQUIRED 26: content CDATA #REQUIRED 27: %SkipContent.attrib; 28: > 29:]]> 30: 31:<!-- the end -->
1:<!-- =================================================================== 2: Title: Media Object Module 3: File: SMIL-media.mod 4: 5: Revision: $Id: SMIL-media.mod,v 1.2 1999/08/18 02:35:43 hiyama Exp hiyama $ 6: Date: $Date: 1999/08/18 02:35:43 $ 7: Author: HIYAMA Masayuki <> 8: 9: Identifiers: 10: PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS Media Object Module//EN" 11: SYSTEM "SMIL-media.mod" (can be changed) 12: 13: Typical invocation of this module: 14: <!ENTITY % SMIL-MediaObject.mod 15: PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS Media Object Module//EN" 16: "SMIL-media.mod"> 17: %SMIL-MediaObject.mod; 18:=================================================================== --> 19: 20:<!ENTITY % SMIL-MediaObject.attribute "INCLUDE"> 21:<![%SMIL-MediaObject.attribute;[ 22: <!ENTITY % MediaObject.attrib " 23: %Common.attrib; 24: %Desc.attrib; 25: %Layout.attrib; 26: %ResourceReference.attrib; 27: %Sync.attrib; 28: %Timing.attrib; 29: fill (remove|freeze) 'remove' 30: %SystemTest.attrib;" 31: > 32: 33: <!ENTITY % TimeClip.attrib " 34: %clipBegin; CDATA #IMPLIED 35: %clipEnd; CDATA #IMPLIED" 36: > 37: 38:]]> 39: 40:<!ENTITY % SMIL-MediaObject.content-model "INCLUDE"> 41:<![%SMIL-MediaObject.content-model;[ 42: <!ENTITY % MediaObject.content 43: " (%AssocLink.class;)*" 44: > 45: 46:]]> 47: 48:<!ENTITY % SMIL-ref.element "INCLUDE"> 49:<![%SMIL-ref.element;[ 50: <!ENTITY % SMIL-ref.content "%MediaObject.content;"> 51: <!ELEMENT ref %SMIL-ref.content;> 52: <!ATTLIST ref 53: %MediaObject.attrib; 54: %TimeClip.attrib; 55: > 56:]]> 57: 58:<!ENTITY % SMIL-audio.element "INCLUDE"> 59:<![%SMIL-audio.element;[ 60: <!ENTITY % SMIL-audio.content "%MediaObject.content;"> 61: <!ELEMENT audio %SMIL-audio.content;> 62: <!ATTLIST audio 63: %MediaObject.attrib; 64: %TimeClip.attrib; 65: > 66:]]> 67: 68:<!ENTITY % SMIL-video.element "INCLUDE"> 69:<![%SMIL-video.element;[ 70: <!ENTITY % SMIL-video.content "%MediaObject.content;"> 71: <!ELEMENT video %SMIL-video.content;> 72: <!ATTLIST video 73: %MediaObject.attrib; 74: %TimeClip.attrib; 75: > 76:]]> 77: 78:<!ENTITY % SMIL-animation.element "INCLUDE"> 79:<![%SMIL-animation.element;[ 80: <!ENTITY % SMIL-animation.content "%MediaObject.content;"> 81: <!ELEMENT animation %SMIL-animation.content;> 82: <!ATTLIST animation 83: %MediaObject.attrib; 84: %TimeClip.attrib; 85: > 86:]]> 87: 88:<!ENTITY % SMIL-textstream.element "INCLUDE"> 89:<![%SMIL-textstream.element;[ 90: <!ENTITY % SMIL-textstream.content "%MediaObject.content;"> 91: <!ELEMENT textstream %SMIL-textstream.content;> 92: <!ATTLIST textstream 93: %MediaObject.attrib; 94: %TimeClip.attrib; 95: > 96:]]> 97: 98:<!ENTITY % SMIL-text.element "INCLUDE"> 99:<![%SMIL-text.element;[ 100: <!ENTITY % SMIL-text.content "%MediaObject.content;"> 101: <!ELEMENT text %SMIL-text.content;> 102: <!ATTLIST text 103: %MediaObject.attrib; 104: > 105:]]> 106: 107:<!ENTITY % SMIL-image.element "INCLUDE"> 108:<![%SMIL-image.element;[ 109: <!ENTITY % SMIL-image.content "%MediaObject.content;"> 110: <!ELEMENT image %SMIL-image.content;> 111: <!ATTLIST image 112: %MediaObject.attrib; 113: > 114:]]> 115: 116:<!-- the end -->
1:<!-- =================================================================== 2: Title: Linking Module 3: File: SMIL-link.mod 4: 5: Revision: $Id: SMIL-link.mod,v 1.2 1999/08/18 02:35:43 hiyama Exp hiyama $ 6: Date: $Date: 1999/08/18 02:35:43 $ 7: Author: HIYAMA Masayuki <> 8: 9: Identifiers: 10: PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS Linking Module//EN" 11: SYSTEM "SMIL-link.mod" (can be changed) 12: 13: Typical invocation of this module: 14: <!ENTITY % SMIL-Linking.mod 15: PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS Linking Module//EN" 16: "SMIL-link.mod"> 17: %SMIL-Linking.mod; 18:=================================================================== --> 19: 20:<!ENTITY % SMIL-Linking.attribute "INCLUDE"> 21:<![%SMIL-Linking.attribute;[ 22: <!ENTITY % Linking.attrib " 23: %Core.attrib; 24: href %URI; #REQUIRED 25: show (replace|new|pause) 'replace'" 26: > 27: 28: <!ENTITY % AssocSpec.attrib " 29: coords CDATA #IMPLIED" 30: > 31: 32:]]> 33: 34:<!ENTITY % SMIL-a.element "INCLUDE"> 35:<![%SMIL-a.element;[ 36: <!ENTITY % SMIL-a.content "(%Schedulable.class; | switch)*"> 37: <!ELEMENT a %SMIL-a.content;> 38: <!ATTLIST a 39: %Linking.attrib; 40: > 41:]]> 42: 43:<!ENTITY % SMIL-anchor.element "INCLUDE"> 44:<![%SMIL-anchor.element;[ 45: <!ENTITY % SMIL-anchor.content "EMPTY"> 46: <!ELEMENT anchor %SMIL-anchor.content;> 47: <!ATTLIST anchor 48: %Linking.attrib; 49: %Sync.attrib; 50: %AssocSpec.attrib; 51: %SkipContent.attrib; 52: > 53:]]> 54: 55:<!-- the end -->